Here are some pics from the last few sessions of gaming. The games played were:

Here are some pics from the last few sessions of gaming. The games played were:

Here are some pics from the last few sessions of gaming. The games played were: 

Archipelago (James Bond with requisitioned occult rituals)

Dungeon World (from Anthology Friday)

Better Angels (great premise; horrible game)

Thanks to Rob Ferguson Gary Wilson Russell Benner Scott Owen John Dingman Jacob Densford Nicolette Khan Derek Grimm and Daniel Lewis !

10 thoughts on “Here are some pics from the last few sessions of gaming. The games played were:”

  1. Sucks to hear that Better Angels didn’t play well. I have skimmed the book and it sounds really cool on paper. Do you mind giving me just a brief perspective on what didn’t work in actual game play? Could save me some time and effort which would be great!

  2. Sucks to hear that Better Angels didn’t play well. I have skimmed the book and it sounds really cool on paper. Do you mind giving me just a brief perspective on what didn’t work in actual game play? Could save me some time and effort which would be great!

  3. Sean Smith It is far too crunchy for the story it’s trying to tell. There are numerous stats, none of which are easily discernible from one another, and all of which are used in completely arbitrary ways. A lot of the abilities are just “+1 X” as opposed to something a little more cool and narrative. There is a lot of back and forth dice rolling in combat, and it’s incredibly boring. It has initiative (uggh–shoot me). All in all, it’s just not very fun. 

  4. Sean Smith It is far too crunchy for the story it’s trying to tell. There are numerous stats, none of which are easily discernible from one another, and all of which are used in completely arbitrary ways. A lot of the abilities are just “+1 X” as opposed to something a little more cool and narrative. There is a lot of back and forth dice rolling in combat, and it’s incredibly boring. It has initiative (uggh–shoot me). All in all, it’s just not very fun. 

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