Here is the new version of what used to be known as Lapins and Lairs.

Here is the new version of what used to be known as Lapins and Lairs.

Here is the new version of what used to be known as Lapins and Lairs. We played the previous version awhile back at Stephen Crawford’s and it was a good time.

Originally shared by Marshall Miller

The Warren

(formerly Lapins & Lairs)

Ok, so I’m at that point again where I want to get feedback and, if I’m lucky, some outside playtesting done on this game that I’ve been working on.  A while back I released a 6-page hack and, after some playtest feedback, I’ve since fleshed it out into a full rules text.

The Warren

The Warren is a game about intelligent rabbits trying to make the best of a world filled with hazards, predators and, worst of all, other rabbits.  While the rabbits in your games will solve some of their problems and discover things they never thought to try before, they are still bound by their basic physiology and nature.  

My aim is to create a *World game that is to Bunnies and Burrows what Dungeon World is to Dungeons and Dragons.

The playtest version, linked below, is all prettied up and ready to go.

Questions, comments, and curse words are all welcome forms of feedback (even if you just read through the text).

Note: If you played in a game of Lapins & Lairs and I didn’t include you in the acknowledgements, let me know.

#apocalypseworld #rabbits #watershipdown #bunniesandburrows