This was originally going to be The Quiet Year, but I have changed it to a play test of Spirit of ’77.

This was originally going to be The Quiet Year, but I have changed it to a play test of Spirit of ’77.

This was originally going to be The Quiet Year, but I have changed it to a play test of Spirit of ’77. We will be providing feedback to David K. 

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

This edition of Story Game Sunday will be a play test of Spirit of ’77, an Apocalypse World hack inspired by action films of the 1970’s (think: The Warriors, various blaxploitation flicks, grind house cinema, etc.). 

There will be a short period after the session to discuss our thoughts, which we will relay to the game’s designers. The Gauntlet cool kids have a lot of experience with PbtA games, so we should be able to provide some good feedback. 

As ever, food will be provided. BYOB. 
