Ok everyone, I need your help!

Ok everyone, I need your help!

Ok everyone, I need your help! I am working on starting a stream on Twitch.tv that is going to be completely dedicated to RPG content. Playing RPGs, reviewing RPGs, interviewing guests involved with RPGs, etc. In a few weeks we are going to kickoff with a Call Of Cthulhu one-shot. After that we have a two regular games planned,  a Pathfinder campaign that I will be running and a Star Wars: Saga Edition campaign that will be run by a friend of mine. 

In between the regular games I would like to feature some lesser known games as one-shots. That’s where I would like your help. What games do you think would work well in this kind of setting? We will all be on webcam and have Roll20 available for maps, music, etc. Games that I am already considering are Fiasco, The Quiet Year, Ribbon Drive, and My Life with Master. Any others that are recommended and would work well in this format?

I’ve been trying to make it out to one of the many awesome games being played by The Gauntlet members but haven’t had much luck with scheduling conflicts. Hopefully I will drop in soon and meet some of you. I am enjoying this community a lot.

If the stream sounds interesting, you can subscribe via Twitch (for free) and you can opt to receive e-mail notifications whenever we go live. You can also watch videos of the broadcasts shortly after they are done airing. I will be putting them on my youtube channel as well.


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