If you are new to RPG Gauntlet (or new-ish) please be certain to check the Events section for upcoming games that…

If you are new to RPG Gauntlet (or new-ish) please be certain to check the Events section for upcoming games that…

If you are new to RPG Gauntlet (or new-ish) please be certain to check the Events section for upcoming games that have been scheduled through the Community. Anyone can (and should) join in. Above all else, this Community is about creating opportunities for people to play games. Everyone is welcome to all events, and there is absolutely no knowledge or experience requirement to play. This is a good and decent bunch of people who are passionate about RPGs. You will have a good time. 

If you have a game you would like to try out, please get in touch with either Kerry Harrison or myself and we’ll see what we can do about getting it on one of our regular calendars. If you would like to host a game yourself, you should by all means create an Event and make it happen. So far, attendance has not been an issue at any of our scheduled games (in fact, we’ve had to do spillover games a couple of times because events were so well-attended).