12 thoughts on “Anyone else considering attending or running games at this new Austin convention?”

  1. I plan on being there in some capacity. Of course, I have a place in Austin (and I hail from that gaming scene) so I have little excuse for not attending. If someone else is thinking of going, I can probably help out one or two people with lodging.

  2. I plan on being there in some capacity. Of course, I have a place in Austin (and I hail from that gaming scene) so I have little excuse for not attending. If someone else is thinking of going, I can probably help out one or two people with lodging.

  3. First con I’ve seen that’s anywhere NEAR to Houston, so absolutely! I’d be wanting to play Shadowrun, preferably part of the Living Campaign. If nobody is playing, I might consider applying for Agent status to GM part of the living campaign.

  4. First con I’ve seen that’s anywhere NEAR to Houston, so absolutely! I’d be wanting to play Shadowrun, preferably part of the Living Campaign. If nobody is playing, I might consider applying for Agent status to GM part of the living campaign.

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