Tossing this here, too, for those of you who don’t frequent the Tavern. Cheers!

Tossing this here, too, for those of you who don’t frequent the Tavern. Cheers!

Tossing this here, too, for those of you who don’t frequent the Tavern. Cheers!

Originally shared by Jeremy Strandberg

Let’s Talk About Dangers

Specifically, I’m thinking about this stuff:

* The categories of dangers presented in the Dungeon World core rules: Ambitious Organizations, Planar Forces, Arcane Enemies, etc.

* The specific types of dangers (e.g. Corrupt Government, Demon Prince, Power Mad Wizard) and their impulses.

* The GM moves associated with each category (e.g. Attack someone by stealthy means… Give dreams of prophecy… Cast a spell over time and place…)

(for reference:

How have you found these dangers (the ones in the book) useful? How have you found them frustrating, confusing, or limiting? What parts do you use? What parts do you ignore?

If you were to add a category, or some individual types, what would you add?

(For the record, I’m specifically not asking about grim portents or impending dooms, or cast or stakes questions… but if they way you use the stuff above ties into that, yeah, I’d love to hear about it.)

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